As it once was- Karl Chronicles - Post #16

The British Loyalists arrived and settled in Sussex, New Brunswick, during the American Revolution, so it seems appropriate that on May 19th, when Karl arrived at the Queen Hotel in Sussex, it was time for tea! 

Although the Queen Hotel no longer exists, I was able to walk around downtown Sussex and get a sense of what it looked like during Karl’s visit, thanks to the murals. 

Considered to be the mural capital of Atlantic Canada, twenty-seven murals were painted on the sides of the buildings depicting local history. Scattered throughout the downtown, these murals were painted from 2005 to 2007 by various internationally recognized artists. The murals showcase the heritage of Sussex, from the dairy industry to the first hospital to the famous Sussex ginger ale. 

So for this blog, join me as we stroll through downtown Sussex and enjoy the painted history of another time.

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